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Monday, September 15, 2008

A Fun little giveaway

My very first giveaway. A little spontaneous...

I mentioned in this post about our favorite new story Bible. It's called The Jesus Storybook Bible, subtitled "Every story whispers His name".

It is so great. It's really not a Bible, in the true sense. It's an extremely simplified and augmented storybook to explain and make the stories real at a child's level.

We love it, the kids love it, and it always strikes up the most fantastic spiritual conversations. AND the illustrations are excellent. I highly recommend it.

So, leave a comment and Saturday morning I'll draw a random winner.

And, even if you don't have a blog, you can still leave a comment with your name and a way to get ahold of you.

Have fun!


Anonymous said...

We love Bible story books! This looks like the Tigers would go crazy. Great giveaway!

Heather said...

I'm commenting, Jenny.

I wish you could have come over tonight, but I understand. Hopefully another Monday will work out. I have the Costco package of Chai, so it'll be around for awhile.

I would LOVE a copy of this book. Pick me, pick me!!

What are you doing Friday afternoon? Get together with the kids??


Lindsay said...

Okay - now you make it THREE people that I've heard absolutely love this Bible Story book so I'm in! I would LOVE to win this thing so I can actually see first hand if you guys are right! :-)

Yvette said...

I've been meaning to get this book for the kids, once we finish going through the current Bible story book we're working on. I've heard so many good things about it, and I even got it for my sister's kids.

Anonymous said...

It sounds great! And I can't NOT enter for a giveaway... even if I don't really want whatever they are giving away...I love free stuff! But this... I do really want. =)

Dawn S. said...

ohhh, I am SURE that Patricia, Philippe and Olivia -- your COUSINS -- could enjoy this...I know. Bribery won't work for random drawings. :) Cool idea, babe.

Jenna said...

if i don't enter, i'm a fool. a fool, i tell you!

i'd love to leaf through yours even if i don't win. i've never seen it before.

Heather of the EO said...

Pick me, pick me, pick me! :)
I've been hearing so much about this Bible too. If I don't win, I'm totally going to go buy one.

and you answered another question about my giveaway - I could not figure out if it was give-away or giveaway. Now I'm gonna go fix it. Shoot!

Emily said...

I've never heard of that before - sounds great! Thanks for the recommendation...

Kelly @ Love Well said...

We have this Bible and LOVE IT.

So don't enter me. But I had to share. It's the best children's devotional-type book I've ever run across.

Shari said...

Count me in! :o) I've heard great things about this Bible from friends..

Anonymous said...

Ok, here is my comment!

Jen D said...

I also LOVE this book (don't enter me...I already have it..just wanted to share how great it is)! A friend of mine said they use it in their church's Sunday School program for 1st-3rd graders and the kids are very receptive to it. So, I'm excited to be able to be reading it to our kids for many years to come.

kamewh said...

My children would love this!

Anonymous said...

Hello! I am commenting for the first time, but I read your blog often. We still have to get our fams together! Love the new look--it's very YOU. We would love to own this kids' Bible. What a fun give-a-way!

Kathy said...

That is pure awesomeness..

My boys would love it!

I'm commenting for the giveaway...but also...I love your blog!


Sarah said...

Com-ment-ing......You know that Elle LOVES books and she would LOVE a better Bible story book than what she has :-)

Here's hoping!!!!!

lmichaud said...

It fun to see how many people are commenting to get in on a free gift. Thanks for sharing the information. Even if I don't win I think I will pick up this book, I also teach a special needs sunday school class and have a lot of difficulty with finding cirriculum that is at a level that the students can follow and understand. This may be a great resource. Lori Michaud

Anonymous said...

I believe that Angie Smith has talked about this Bible on her blog, Bring the Rain (http://audreycaroline.blogspot.com). This would be great to have as I babysit a lot and would love to incorporate this in my time w/my babies :)