I admit it. Halloween is not my thing. If Halloween suddenly went away, I would shout and sing.
But, it IS fun for the kids, and there's not a lot that's cuter than all the sweet little kids dressed up at my front door. Emphasis on LITTLE. Big kids in grotesque masks aren't so cute.
The worst part of Halloween, to me, is being the mother of 2 previously sweet children, who become frightening monsters when on sugar. Not to mention the next 30 days when the greedy factor goes up and an unbelievable amount of time is spent counting, sorting, and planning the various tastes, flavors, and available highs of the candy in their stash.
The link at the bottom of the post is to a group of recipes, and one I'm personally SO excited about, because it works into the Halloween Candy Master Plan '08. Here are the specs of the plan:
- Halloween night: Children of candy-eating age are allowed to eat as much candy as they want, no limits. Buckets will be on hand, just in case.
- Post-Halloween-candy-binging: Mother confiscates all candy wealth to be redistributed via rationing.
- All-Saints Day, Nov 1: Mother makes candy brownies for all to enjoy, and the Halloween candy will be "used up" very quickly.
This plan was implemented in hopes of preventing a recurrence of the Great Whiny Kids Fiasco of November '07.
The candy will be gone by November 3. Mark my words.
Here is a website that will give you a vast plethora of ideas for using up that Halloween candy.
You're welcome.
Join in with your partay/ appetizer/ fun/ random recipe below!